julian rowe
julian rowe
visual artist
visual artist
catoptromancy [2013]
with Terry Perk a site-specific installation for County Square Shopping Centre, Ashford catoptromancy /kə’tɒptrəmansi/ n. E17. [f. Gk katoptron mirror + -MANCY.] Divination by means of a mirror or mirrors. Hurrying through the hustle and bustle of an ordinary shopping centre in Kent, shoppers may chance across two large scale mirrored kaleidoscopic structures, alternative portals that reconfigure and reflect the reality of the occupied mall. Using live CCTV feeds from the shopping centre Catoptromancy conflates and collapses, fuses and disperses, an infinite symmetry of human movement. In this collaboration, Terry Perk and Julian Rowe explored the occupation and traversing of mundane ‘non-places’ that could be anywhere.
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photos Terry Perk