julian rowe
julian rowe
visual artist
visual artist
Hetty van Kooten [2021]
Hetty van Kooten (1908-1958) was a Dutch-born primitive painter, who moved to France in 1924. Van Kooten spent her working life in France and as a young woman she assisted in documenting the prehistoric paintings at the Pech Merle cave. While working underground she experienced a creative epiphany, claiming to channel the same energies that had possessed the ancient shamans who had preceded her. She was briefly a protegée of Jean Dubuffet but her work has been neglected since her mysterious death.
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Some of her paintings, together with a small display of texts, video and memorabilia concerning her life and work, formed the centrepiece of a travelling group exhibition “Walking in Two Worlds”, devised by Julian Rowe and Steph Goodger, and curated by Jonathan Powell.
photos Keith Ashcroft
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