julian rowe
julian rowe
visual artist
visual artist
… old europe [2008]
"Forgive me an old after-dinner song' which I once composed amongst daughters of the desert: - For with them was there equally good, clear, Oriental air; there was I furthest from cloudy, damp, melancholy Old-Europe!" Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spake Zarathustra, 1886
The Rhinemaidens taunt Alberich Wotan and Loge in Nibelheim Fasolt and Fafnir demand payment Sigmund draws the sword from the tree Wotan shatters Sigmund's sword The ride of the Valkyries The forging of Nothung Siegfried kills Fafnir Siegfried awakens Brunnhilde Siegfried's Rhine journey Gunther summons the vassals Brunnhilde leaps onto the pyre
Das Rheingold Die Walküre Siegfried Götterdammerung
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